Edible Landscape

I’ve been really inspired by the Grow Food not Lawns movement. The past few years I’ve been transitioning my massive perennial borders and front flower beds into mixed gardens, integrating my existing plants with vegetables, herbs, flowers and fruit. This combination can be beautiful and practical. Rhubarb, zucchini and most vegetables are so attractive and look great among the flowers and shrubs. Lots of flowers are edible and pretty… Bee balm, calendula, violets, nasturtiums, roses and lavender, to name just a few. Strawberries and creeping thyme are great ground covers and borders. Currant and blueberry bushes are easy to grow, attractive when they come into flower and even prettier when they set berries. Columnar fruit trees are another great option. Cabbage and kale are great fill ins. Lancinato kale has a lot of visual interest but it gets eaten up by little green worms here so I grow the Green Scottish Curled instead. Herbs offer so much in the way of flowers and color..echinacea, catnip, lemon balm, variegated mints, borage..The list goes on and this post is getting long. As the season progresses, all the little plants filling my tables under lights crowding the sunny windowsills will hopefully be big and strong and make their way into the gardens. Ideas are percolating for artful/ edible combinations and integrations. I’m hoping this gardening season is productive and beautiful for all of us!

28 thoughts on “Edible Landscape

  1. A most beautiful and colourful garden Cynthia, what an inspiration for us all, growing vegetables among flowers and visa versa is a real winner of an idea, thank you.

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  2. Yum!! Years and years ago – maybe more than 30 – I read a novel that predicted drought in California. In San Francisco, all the feminists (must have been the 70’s) got together and broke up the roads and lawns to plant veggies. Wish I could remember the title and author – I can’t – but I can see how very much ahead of her time that author was. And such an accurate prediction! Your approach to landscape reminded me of that. Good for you!!

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  3. I love the bright lights chard! 3 years in a row, I lost it when I transplanted it into the garden. I never saw the peppermint though. I will look it up. Maybe I would have better luck with that… Thanks so much!


  4. Did not know you could eat bee balm! Mine is growing up so well – love it and love the scent of the leaves and flowers. How do you eat yours?


    • All the aerial parts are edible. I tried cooking the leaves in a stir fry and I tried them raw but I didn’t like them. The petals are pretty in ice cubes or as a garnish but they don’t taste so great either.. To me anyway. Sometimes I steep the leaves as part of an herbal iced tea mix. What I really love about bee balm is how it attract hummingbird moths.. Those are so cool!


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