Thanksgiving plans

The snow is falling and the lights are blinking. Six to nine inches of snow are predicted but it’s alternating with sleet so the roads are treacherous and the lines are heavy. All I can do is keep cooking. If there is no power tomorrow, we’ll load up my old jeep with food and figure things out.
I started my pies early. The dough was mixed up yesterday so I just had to roll it out and prep the fillings. My daughter came home from college yesterday and I was happy thinking about her waking up to the smell of pies baking, in her own bed. Unfortunately, the apple pies started bubbling over onto the bottom of the oven and caught fire. Smoke poured out from the stove and the fire alarms went off, LOUDLY all over the house. I opened the doors and the dogs took off in 2 different directions, running outside towards the road. I would like to say I quickly, calmly and competently handled the situation…BIG LIE
I made a cranberry sauce with fresh cranberries and brown sugar but it was too watery and didn’t taste very good. I added a lot of blueberries that I had frozen from my garden, cider vinegar, allspice and cinnamon and cooked it down until it got thick. Now it’s delicious. The pies are kind of a funny color though.
Things rarely come out the way we expect them to. Maybe tomorrow will turn out to be the perfect ‘Norman Rockwell’ Thanksgiving! Probably not. That’s okay.

24 thoughts on “Thanksgiving plans

  1. I’m so glad I’m not the only one with kitchen disasters – and it sounds like you have the flexibility to figure out a fix!! Have a happy holiday. All the best to you and yours!


  2. The “real-ness” of this post is precious. It feels like real life to me. Thanks for sharing more than just a glossy “how-it’s-supposed-to-be” description. Hope the weather looks beautiful, even if it creates hazardous travel. Drive safely!


  3. Beautiful photos and great story. I have a similar story when I had to greet my guests with the smell of burnt offerings. It didn’t inspire confidence that they would be fed, but it turned out to be funny in the end and we did have a lovely dinner (with the windows open so we could breathe!)


    • Thanks! That’s funny! So important to put things in perspective too. I caught my Mother’s curtains on fire one Thanksgiving with a gravy fire. That dinner wasn’t lovely at all and was never mentioned again, lol, … much better to get on with things and see the humour in them


  4. Dear Cynthia, how sorry I was to see your image of your daughter waking up to domestic bliss shattered! ( I only chuckled secretly, with my hand over my mouth…but that was remembering that one house we lived in with the hysterical fire alarm…etcetcetc) But it al looks good and sounds delicious and you got your ‘baby’ with you for a few days! Happy Thanks Giving, Johanna


    • Haha! The sound of these smoke alarms create instant anxiety and such a sense of urgency…even knowing the only situation at hand is to get quiet! I’m so happy to have my Olivia home for the weekend, all 3 of my daughters were here for Thanksgiving dinner and it was great,


    • Thank- you! That really sounds like a very unique and wonderful Thannksgiving dinner. One of my girls brought a friend from New Zealand one year. It was so much fun sharing our holiday and hearing all about her country.

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  5. Hi, Namesake: This is exactly the kind of thing that would happen if I tried to bake. In fact, it happened once, minus the smoke alarms and dogs running off, (that alarming sound was me, screaming) and it put me off baking for many years. The cake caught fire.

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