My Old House

My house was built in 1848. I fell in love with it the minute I saw it and it has suited me perfectly. My youngest started college this year and the other 2 have moved out on their own. Raising a family of 5 here, a lot of stuff accumulated. A year ago January, I set a goal to clear things out and replace them with things that I made or refurbished myself. Big radiators, exposed pipes, tiny closets, funny little doors and odd little rooms add loads of quirky character and good opportunities to be creative and flexible. Every week I fill a box of things to be donated and another of things to bring to the recycling center. Progress has been slow but sure, eventually I will have everything simple and clean and homemade. We won’t talk about the dreaded cellar now.. I haven’t made my way down there yet, lol.

41 thoughts on “My Old House

  1. Doesn’t it feel so good to clear things out? I always feel so much lighter, and I NEVER miss a thing. But every week? I’m happy if I have a clear out every few months; I am impressed. LOVE the old shelves in the linen closet with all the lovely old linens. It smells fresh even from here.


    • I closed my store after 9 years and at the same time was cleaning out and clearing through my mother’s big house. It really changed my perspective on things. 2 of my daughters left home during that time too. My life really changed quickly. I think I needed to focus on a positive, long term goal to keep me from wallowing in all the endings. It does feel good:)

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  2. My house is about the same age but much smaller. My greatest problem is dust! We have a coal fired stove, agricultural vehicles drop hay mud and dust on the way past and the stone building is hard to heat. BUT I love it! Keep sorting!

    Liked by 2 people

    • It sounds beautiful, being made of stone. Most of the houses here are wood. Dust is a big problem here too. I’m not sure why. My house isn’t big.. but I wouldn’t mind going much smaller at this point and i think I might love a wood or coal burning stove! that sounds cozy:)

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      • DUST! Is it the old houses themselves? The lack of wall to wall carpeting for the dust to hide in? Maybe airspace around old windows that lets in dust? I really can’t figure it out. My solution was to get several hairy pets. Now I have so much hair, I barely notice the dust anymore. : )

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    • thanks! I notice you approach your garden and home projects in a very organized and well informed manner. Are you the type of person who has that enviable, natural ability to keep your home well organized and efficient? i wish I was:)

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  3. Thanks, Louise. i think it’s a great thing when our homes and lifestyles are a reflection and expression of the person within. I can’t relate to hiring a stranger to create that for us. I love watching and reading about your upcoming wedding…so cool that you are creating it all your own way and making so many things for it yourself. Really love how your boquet is turning out


  4. How beautifully you have transformed what could be a painful “ending” into a transition to your life, a simple life surrounded by homemade things and gentle reminders of days and people gone by. Isn’t growing old a lovely experience?

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  5. It’s a never ending task around here but it looks like you’re well on your way clearing out, then adding your personal touch to the decor. When we downsized, it made me happy to furnish a daughter’s new home. Timing was everything and I can go visit my stuff anytime…

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    • I have an old house built about the time of yours it’s an octagonal with a post and beam barn attached. I am cleaning out too, have the remains of all my families things, a room full of handspun yarn and wool, yards and yards of fabric, each week I am putting things online for sale and filling a box for Sally’s. Thanks for a very encouraging blog

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  6. Cynthia…I have been involved in the same process…slowly but surely every nook and cranny will have been paired down….only to have the place I started with…and those in succession…begin to fill up with more “stuff!” Truly…where does it all come from??? ❤


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