
Last night, about an hour away from home, the clutch went on my jeep as we were getting onto the highway.  Luckily, my husband was driving.   In the past, I haven’t reacted well to automotive failures and things ended badly. For about 30 minutes, stuck in fifth gear we were figuring out a plan to get as close to home as possible without having to stop.   Once the car stopped  or  if we were unable to maintain a certain speed,  that was it,  we wouldn’t be able to get the car in gear to go any farther.

We made it off the highway into a parking lot about a half hour away from home.  We thought we had roadside assistance through our insurance company but found out that we did not.   There are no taxi cabs where I live and the friends that we called didn’t answer their phones.   Finally, I called my sister who lives almost an hour away from me and she came to give us a ride home.  I’m the type of person that hates to ask anyone for help.  I  felt awful asking her to drive all that way on a freezing Saturday night.

All things considered, everything worked out really well and I  should be thankful.   I don’t know how long I will be without a car.  It’s supposed to snow for the next 3 days.  As it is, I’m beginning to feel like I live in Narnia…….Spring will never come and every day will be cold and grey.  There’s a garden center in town that has lots of green houses, tropical plants, heirloom seeds and LIGHT.  Maybe I can make a quick visit before the snow comes back.

44 thoughts on “Breakdown

  1. May your sister receive extra blessings. 🙂 May God shine some spring into your heart, to remind you it will return. So glad you and your husband are safe. For the record, I hate car problems, too.

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  2. Cynthia, Promise yourself a trip to the nearest greenhouse on a sunny day (after the car is fixed) and then you can look forward to it. I sometimes go to the Milwaukee Botanical Gardens in the middle of rough winters…it is just like being in Florida for the afternoon and they have butterflies!

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    • Thanks, Matt. It is truly awful, lol. I don’t ever remember it being so grim for so long before. I cant imagine what it would be like to live in the northern hemisphere with their long winters and so much darkness.

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  3. Glad you made it home safely Cynthia, and hope your car is soon fixed. That idea about the garden centre does sound nice and inviting, I would do the same, enjoy!


      • Go for it 🙂 I am going to plant a lot more flowers also this year, as I love them and they will look so lovely in the garden, that’s for the little front garden which needs attention. Maybe Lavender and other fragrant flowers.

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          • Cynthia, you cannot imagine how much I love the scent, and the look of Lilac flowers, I have it in a perfume, and a soap, but at the moment have no tree. All your other suggestions are great, so much choice.


            • So many choices, so much fun! They have miniature lilacs here. The flowers are a bit more like French lilacs and the smell is not quite as strong but quite nice. Angelica is another beauty, a bienniel but worth the wait and a lot can be made from it

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            • Angelica grows wild in other parts of Ireland. You can sometimes buy it as a preserve. Yes the variety of flowers never ceases to delight me too.

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  4. Ugh!!! so sorry for the frightening experience but relieved to know that you arrived home safely and all is well. I adore your painting for today’s post. Perhaps “losing yourself” while painting something that reminds you of the first warm breezes of Spring will uplift you at this dismal time of year. Looking at your colorful painting above does that for me right now …….xo

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Gloria! How are you guys holding up in all of this? I’ve been skipping out on the remodeled diner because the black ceiling bothers me, lol. Odd, I know but it makes me feel claustrophobic. Are you liking the remodel?


      • We’re doing just great thanks Cindy! I actually love snowy days and a chance to stay cozy at home just catching up or being lazy if I feel like it……lol I enjoy the peaceful quiet brought on by the snow and it adds a calm to my inner thoughts…..
        I agree!!! That black ceiling was the first thing I noticed but it doesn’t bother me anymore. However, the atmosphere is just not the same and the cozy factor has disappeared which we miss. But the ever friendly staff and fun people that we run into are what is still making it appealing to us and we are starting to get used to it. Jim keeps mentioning that we haven’t seen you and Mike and we miss you two!!!!!! ;(
        Stay warm by the fire, but knowing you, there are a zillion projects on your list for today.


  5. Yes, sounds a most frightening experience.

    I’m going to try calendula this year – very good for skin, though I have as yet no idea what to do to get flowers to the point of being able to use them for that 😉


  6. Ohoh, not nice at all indeed. But remember Cynthia, friendship is not only giving help but also asking for help. When you never need anybody, you are not close to anybody. And I am sure you would rescue your sister even from the North Pole;0)
    Did you make this lovely painting?? It is gorgeous, is that you and your boudoir? Very stylish.
    Well good luck, hope your car is back soon, xoxox Johanna

    ps Even in Narnia, Spring returned;0)


    • I never thought about asking for help in that way before, Johanna. From a very young age I was put in the position of a caregiver, I guess I never learned the other way around. It’s never too late and you make a good point! Thank you:)

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  7. Sending you “spring-like” thoughts and good energy!! I am so happy you were not alone when your clutch broke!! I can feel your pain…I used to get so “blah” in February when I lived up north. Know that “This too, shall pass.” Before you know it mother earth will be alive with buds and singing birds…rebirth!! Hang in there…sending you love ❤

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