
Last night, about an hour away from home, the clutch went on my jeep as we were getting onto the highway.  Luckily, my husband was driving.   In the past, I haven’t reacted well to automotive failures and things ended badly. For about 30 minutes, stuck in fifth gear we were figuring out a plan to get as close to home as possible without having to stop.   Once the car stopped  or  if we were unable to maintain a certain speed,  that was it,  we wouldn’t be able to get the car in gear to go any farther.

We made it off the highway into a parking lot about a half hour away from home.  We thought we had roadside assistance through our insurance company but found out that we did not.   There are no taxi cabs where I live and the friends that we called didn’t answer their phones.   Finally, I called my sister who lives almost an hour away from me and she came to give us a ride home.  I’m the type of person that hates to ask anyone for help.  I  felt awful asking her to drive all that way on a freezing Saturday night.

All things considered, everything worked out really well and I  should be thankful.   I don’t know how long I will be without a car.  It’s supposed to snow for the next 3 days.  As it is, I’m beginning to feel like I live in Narnia…….Spring will never come and every day will be cold and grey.  There’s a garden center in town that has lots of green houses, tropical plants, heirloom seeds and LIGHT.  Maybe I can make a quick visit before the snow comes back.