Backyard Fruit & Balloon Flowers

I like having a little fruit orchard in my back yard. I get fresh, organic fruit all summer and lots in the freezer for later. It doesn’t take much space . Berries are easy to grow and come back every year on their own. I’m not sure how hardy and easy he dwarf fruit trees will prove to be but so far, so good. “The Old Fashioned Fruit Garden” by JoAnn Gardner was a big inspiration for me to get started. The book has a lot of nice anecdotes.  It’s instructional but not overwhelming and contains lots of recipes and preserving techniques along with fruit growing and harvesting methods.

Marie’s Balloon Flower is blooming now. I love the way the blossoms are so puffy before they open.

I think I planted some of the garlic too deep. It never sent up scapes and the leaves dropped and started to dry. The bulbs look okay so I’ll spread them out on a rack on the porch to dry.


I made Julia Child’s “Queen of Sheba” cake this weekend. She is my favorite chef. Her recipes are always accurate and easy to follow. I love her positive, happy attitude. This cake is almost flourless. Ground almonds replace some of the flour and it’s delicious.


36 thoughts on “Backyard Fruit & Balloon Flowers

  1. I love balloon flowers. I’ve grown them here.

    Julia Childs is also my favorite. She taught me the value of cooking with butter. “Everything’s better with butter.” 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Love your photos! You are so lucky to be growing fruit. Our Extension Office at K-State has said we’ve had too much rain for stone fruit – and you already know about my strawberries. Enjoy!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I made the mistake of googling fruit pests and blights. Seems like a lot can go wrong! I hope nature balances things out for you and you get nice peaches this year:)


  4. Wonderful Cynthia, truly lovely garden and produce – I like the look of that cake too actually 🙂
    Every garden needs some fruit, so nice when you get produce.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I have fruit growing in the garden, but it’s all left for the birds: elderberries, Juneberries, wild currants, wild strawberries, high bush cranberry (Viburnum), plus others that are inedible for people – spicebush, snowberry, and so on. That cake looks delicious!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Funny you should say that about garlic because anytime I’ve planted in a pampered spot, they don’t do well. When I throw them on the compost, they thrive! I got a bunch of bulbs that managed to plant themselves last year, so go figure. 🙂


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