Blackberries, Dilly Beans and Babies

I stayed with my daughter for a few days, helping with her new baby.    I’d forgotten how exhausting being on call around the clock with a newborn can be.  It was good to be a mommy again, fixing  healthy meals for my daughter and pampering her a little.   Keeping her company at 3 am in a cozy nursery while she fed the baby  was special and kind of emotional.  Lots of memories from when she was little and  hopes and dreams for our new little girl.

I came home to bring my youngest back to college.  She’s all settled in and I’m catching up here.

The last of the beans, cucumbers and red peppers are picked. I made a couple more batches of pickles and dilly beans. Everything that was left, I fermented together and added garlic, onions and fennel seeds. Since my tomato crop is so sad this year, I won’t be pulling out my food mill any time soon. Any extra tomatoes I have this year, I’m just coring and freezing whole…..I learned this from my blogger friend from New Gardener Blues last year.   It’s a good tip… so quick and easy.

The blackberry crop is wonderful. I made a batch of jam and have lots of blackberries in the freezer with still more to pick on the bushes. The second flush of raspberries looks good too.
The mornings are cold and the very first leaves are starting to turn. There’s still lots of cabbage and kale in the garden. The pears are knobby but I’ll put them to good use and I might even get a few peaches.
It’s good cleaning weather. Now that everyone is gone again, I’m starting the fall cleaning and organizing. That includes tackling the attic. There’s lots of good coats and things to donate up there, before the weather gets really cold.

38 thoughts on “Blackberries, Dilly Beans and Babies

    • Thank you. It is so special. I love your posts with your little grands. How wonderful that they were all together this summer! Some things stay with you forever.
      Here’s wishing you a speedy healing and a perfect recovery with your new hip. I have a feeling you”ll be chasing after those little ones again in no time.

      Liked by 1 person

        • Ugh… I am sorry you’re dealing with that right now. Physical, emotional and mental trauma… that can be so overwhelming. I give you a lot of credit. It takes courage to commit to a surgery, recovery and rehab like that, especially when it’s the second one. For sure you’ll win this battle but it’s nowhere near easy.

          Liked by 1 person

  1. How wonderful for you and your daughter to spent such precious time together is the special first weeks with her brand new daugther. How wonderful for her to have wise mom around.
    And than back to your garden and harvest…it look wonderful and jummy. I do not have a veggie garden anymore but i love to look at photos like these;0)
    xo Johanna

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks, Johanna. In no time at all, this will be you, lol. I wonder since you had all boys, if your first grandbaby will be a boy too. I was thrilled to have another girl. Then again, I bet it doesn’t matter either way.
    Hope your neck problem clears up quickly. Mine is giving me trouble too…sooo aggravating


  3. All the comments about making jelly with lower sugar and the pectin are interesting and I’ve made a note of the name. Everyone in northern Illinois is saying it was a terrible year for tomatoes, but it is the best year I’ve ever had. I watered them everyday and that may be why. All your canning endeavors look beautiful. I love the feeling of having completed canning jars on the shelves; it is the same feeling I use to have when the wood was split and stacked before winter set in.


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