Strawberries and Calendula

This has been a good season for strawberries. We ate a lot of them and then froze another 8 quarts. There’s an easy way to freeze strawberries so the berries stay separated instead of sticking together in one big lump. Wash the berries, take their leaves off and pat them dry. Spread them out on a cookie sheet so they aren’t touching each other and set them in the freezer. Once frozen, transfer the strawberries into containers or freezer bags and then back into the freezer until you want to use them.

Garlic should be sending up scapes pretty soon. I always direct sow squash, beans and cucumbers seeds into the garden. I think they are heartier than transplants and they are doing great. My heirloom peppers are pitiful, doomed from the start.

Calendulas are blooming. Another favorite of mine! For now, I’m adding the petals to salads, smoothies and into whatever I put through the juicer. They have a mild taste and contain antioxidant carotenoids..lutein, zeaxanthin and lycopene. Later in the season, I’ll use the flowers to make skin products.  Calendula is known as the ‘Queen of Cosmetic Herbs’ and for  its healing properties. Tomorrow, my dog Flora is due for a bath. In the past she’s had skin issues. To keep things sweet, I’ll infuse a few flowers in some water and add that to her bath.

28 thoughts on “Strawberries and Calendula

    • Years ago, I used to pack things up and stick them right in the freezer and end up with blocks of fruit and vegetables… ice crystals…lol.
      Once you get started making things with calendula, you’ll never stop. The petals dry beautifully, retaining lots of color. They’re beautiful added to soap

      Liked by 2 people

  1. Love that you had so many strawberries. Ours just turned to mush in the May/June rains. Your process for strawberry freezing is the way I freeze tomatoes! If I ever get a crop of strawberries, I’ll try it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Disappointing about your strawberries! I’m going to try your method for freezing tomatoes this year… I never would have thought to freeze them whole but it makes good sense


  2. Oh, your yard looks so great! I laughed about the pitiful heirloom peppers – doomed from the start – same happened with me this year. Lots of good info here. I have one calendula who has never been happy where I put her. This gives me the impetus to fuss about a bit and try to situate her better.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Your strawberries look delicious. That is a handy way to freeze them – I freeze other things like that, but I’ve never thought of trying it with fruit. I might just give it a try when our fruit-picking season starts soon.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Garlic scapes, ooooooooooooh the best thing ever. I love them so much!!! It’s time for me to get them pulled out tomorrow before they take too much energy from the growing bulbs. My sister and I planted 1200 cloves last fall and it looks like most made it. I think I’ll try chopping and freezing them for use later, and use the tougher tips in bone broth. Also very cool about the calendula as a nutritious and medicinal food, I have some little seedlings sprouting up- now they have a new purpose!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. We’re not having a great pepper year so far either–they look very spindly/pale green. For some reason, my peppers always seemed to do better shielded a bit from the sun and every time I try them on their own away from the shade of the tomatoes, say, they don’t do well. Any thoughts? Thx in advance!


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