Warm from the inside


I woke up to snow this morning! I never checked the weather report so it came as a complete surprise. I guess I’ll spend some time shoveling today before everything turns into a frozen, crusty mess..it’s still soo cold.
Yesterday I made a good, warming soup. A bunch of kale, 2 carrots, 2 small potatoes, a tuber of tumeric and a 3 inch chunk of ginger root all went into a pot with homemade chicken stock. Everything was brought to a boil and then simmered until the carrots were tender. When it cooled down a bit, I pureed the whole lot. It tasted good.. a little,spicy, warm and kind of exotic to my New England taste buds. Sea salt, black pepper and a teaspoon of coconut oil made it even better. I’ve been trying to think of ways to incorporate fresh tumeric into my diet..it has so many health benefits: anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and there’s a lot of studies showing it may improve brain function and increase endorphins. I’m in! Maybe I wont feel crabby and sore from shoveling this snow:)
My daughter is still home with me for a few more days. Last night we watched the first of “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy together and we turned this year’s Christmas cards into next year’s gift tags. Tonight is part 2. I do love having her back home.

9 thoughts on “Warm from the inside

  1. Is your daughter in college? Mine just graduated last year (she didn’t move back home). So instead of a nice, long college break for Christmas, she just popped home for a long weekend because she had to go right back to work. I am envying your long visit with your daughter!


  2. The snow always looks so lovely (until you have to deal with the everyday realities of it!). I like turmeric and I often try to add it to tea with honey and that makes quite a good immune boost


    • Ugh..so true..this time was only a couple inches but there is a really big area to shovel and it was cold! I will try your tumeric tea with honey and add some ginger since I still have a lot left here. That is a great idea, thanks Matt! I bet it tastes good iced too…lucky you having summer now:)

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