Doldrums & Super-juice

I was away for a week with my whole family, (almost), including the dogs! I loved being all together again. It was so much fun.
This morning was a different story. The long car ride home yesterday, the too-quiet house, a week of vacation food ….I felt like a blob.
The temperature was 22 degrees and the wind was terrible. I decided I’d rather face the bitter cold than the dreary prospect of taking down the Christmas decorations so I headed out to our local organic market.
The produce department invigorated and inspired me. (pathetic, I know) Overwhelmed by healthy thoughts, I gathered up ingredients to make a real powerhouse juice… Watercress, wheatgrass, carrots and a nice fat pineapple. Pineapple is a great anti- inflammatory and good for digestion. Beets would have made a healthy addition as they are good blood purifiers but I can’t stand the taste of them. I also picked up a good looking ginger rhizome, raw honey and a bottle of raw, organic apple cider vinegar.
When I got home, I pulled out one of my Christmas presents…a little Ninja juicer. Doubting if it could handle a raw carrot, I threw it in along with some pineapple and my greens. Wanting to hit the whole color spectrum, I added some frozen berries from my garden. It was smooth and delicious! Quick, easy and clean up was a snap. The rest of the pineapple was cut up into cubes and frozen.
Then, I diced up about an inch of the ginger and added it to 2 cups of boiled water. I covered it and left it to steep for a couple hours. Later, I added a teaspoon of honey and 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar, mixed it until the honey dissolved and drank it with ice. It tasted really good and clean, very refreshing. I had bought a bottled drink in an expensive gourmet store while I was away that had these same ingredients, except they used stevia instead of honey. It was advertised as being good for detoxifying, digestion and clearing the sinuses. My version tasted a lot like theirs and cost practically nothing.
Still avoiding the Christmas decorations, I cleaned out the fridge and noticed the eggs were getting close to expiring. I made some custard. Organic milk and cream, pasture raised eggs and substituting sucanat for sugar… healthy dessert for tonight.
I stuck the eggshells into the oven when the custard was almost done,that makes them clean and easy to crumble. I keep a jar of powdered eggshells under the sink and add them to boost my seedlings when they get transplanted into the garden. The garden…I can’t wait

18 thoughts on “Doldrums & Super-juice

  1. Thanks for the tip on the eggshells, we have chickens and at the end last summer I had a huge ploy tunnel for my birthday, to grow lots of lovely things, so that will come in handy this year 🙂


  2. Wow what a great Ninja juicer indeed..I love that name! And that is lot of vitamins and sunshine in one powerful potion. Talking about Stevia: have you ever used it? I get terrible migraines from it and apparently I am not the only one.
    Lovely post and hang in there my dear, before you know it Spring is back! xoxJohanna


    • I haven’t heard about migraines from Stevia. Wow, that is terrible! I grew the herb this past summer but didn’t do much with it.. I’m not crazy about the taste and really prefer honey. I did drink that bottled vinegar/ ginger drink that had the stevia and was fine.
      Thank you, Johanna! Yes, Spring seems so far away right now but time does really fly


  3. Love the eggshell idea. I’ve got so many of them together now, dried and pulverised, so now I can use them in the garden, great to know that almost everything organic can be recycled in the garden. Lovely write up!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Way to be proactive about the doldrums, it’s very inspiring! And the ginger tea is a fantastic idea, I could see brewing a half gallon jars worth and just keeping it ready in the fridge. These simple things just take a bit of effort to initiate, but like you said- so much cheaper than buying it premade- I appreciate the prompting as I start my day!


    • It’s amazing how many things are so much cheaper, healthier and better for the environment when they’re homemade. i think it’s fun and gratifying to make things myself. I was so excited when I started blogging to see there are so many other people that do these things too. I always wanted to try what you are doing, that has been a dream of mine since I was a little’s so exciting to read about someone actually doing it in real life:]


    • Oh no!! I had the flu last winter. Ugh. It seems to linger, doesn’t it? Emotionally it left me really depleted too. I hope you feel better soon. It’s hard to get the rest and recovery time when you’re running your own business. Sending healthy, happy thoughts, Ginene!!!


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