Garden Update, Natural Mole Control (try &try again)

These are the stragglers I collected from the garden this morning. The warm weather we had last week turned these peppers nice and red. There’s about a dozen left outside, green as can be. I think I might have to embrace their greenness as the temperature is turning cold. Cabbage and kale are still growing, rather worm-bitten in places. Next year I will call it quits with Lancinato kale and stick with the curly green. The little green worms aren’t interested in the curly green but can’t seem to get their fill of Lancinato.
My fifteen year battle of the moles continues! I won’t kill them but I have been trying to drive them off. The gardens are already starting to furrow with tunnels, the ground sinking beneath them. The front gardens are plagued the worst. There have been years where by April, it is as barren as a sandpit, the roots of bushes, perennials and grass chewed to bits. It’s a vicious cycle of grubs- moles-voles. I’ve invested in milky spore, planted castor beans, poured natural concoctions of all sorts down their holes , all to no avail. This year I’m willing to grant them the grass area as I will be participating in the “Grow Food not Lawns” movement but I have a new strategy for my garden beds. Frittilaria. I’ve read that they can have a great impact on mole problems. They supposedly are driven away by the stink of these bulbs. As I’m writing this, I have the bulbs out and my kitchen smells awfully skunky, a good testimony for the effectiveness of my plan, hopefully.

4 thoughts on “Garden Update, Natural Mole Control (try &try again)

  1. It’s always amazing to read the challenges that other gardeners face around the world. I can’t imagine how disheartening it would be to watch your yard chewed to pieces by the time the snow melts. Fingers crossed for the Frittilaria….they are a very attractive and unusual flower. Just watch out for the Japanese/red lily beetle, which also feeds on the Frittilaria in the North East of the US. =


    • Thanks for the heads up! I will keep a look out for them. They do a number on my lilies and the asparagus. You’ve got some nice blossoms on your dwarf apple there. I planted a columnar peach tree 2 years ago and am hoping to see some flowers in the spring. This year I was given an espaliered apple, fingers crossed!


  2. I share your experience with moles. Our dog likes to dig and dig after the scent of the critters, but instead of driving them off (as I’d hoped might happen), she just transforms the furrows and depressions into messy dirt canyons all over our property. So moles don’t like skunky smell? I wonder if that would keep my dog from digging, too. I would just have to figure out where to plant the Frittilaria.
    I hope it works for you. Sure wish there was a healthy balance that didn’t entice moles to eat the grubs beneath our turf.
    Your produce looks wonderful! Keep up the good work.


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